Dive Calendar

2025 Wednesday evening dive calendar commence 26th March…

You are able to book all dives in advanced, but once your space has been confirmed, you are obliged to pay the full amount, unless dive is cancelled.

If you are unable to dive once booked for whatever reason, its soley your responsibility to offer your space to others, as NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN.

All dives are booked on a first come, first served basis.

If we are unable to dive the planned dive site due to the weather, we will always try to offer an suitable alternative site, if it's avaviable, before we cancel the dive.

All payments are paid directly to skipper via cash perferred.

Booking can me made either via our website at www.jurassicdivers.co.uk, via email at jurassicdivers@gmail.com or via text to 07970 292 132.

We are happy to book non club members on the dives but they will initially go on the reserve list and will be confirmed a final space by the Friday evening prior to the next dive. 

Check back often to never miss an update.